Thursday 1 February 2018

Join me to defend our NHS.

My dad was a doctor in the NHS all his working life. My son is disabled and relies on the NHS for his wellbeing. I know how precious our health service is.
I’ll be addressing tens of thousands of people this Saturday, all coming together defend our NHS against this Government’s savage attacks and cuts.
Make no mistake. It’s not the disabled who are responsible for our NHS crisis. It’s not the elderly. It’s not immigrants. It’s not the tireless doctors and nurses and staff. 
Our Government has caused this crisis. 
This is just one reason we need to fight for a vote on the final Brexit deal. We have to protect freedom of movement to keep our NHS on its feet. And we can’t fight austerity while we’re punished by a hard Brexit, overseen by a Government which wants to marketise our healthcare.
This Saturday, I’ll be calling on all parties to support a vote on the final Brexit deal - so we can revive, reinstate, and restore our NHS. 
See you on the streets,
Jonathan Bartley

Co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales.

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