Wednesday 14 February 2018

No free pass to pollute! Climate change, aviation and shipping 26 February 7-9pm,

No free pass to pollute! Climate change, aviation and shipping

All welcome at our meeting to discuss these crucial issues and find out about actions coming up.
26 February 7-9pm, SOAS, London WC1H 0XG
While climate activists try and get governments to engage meaningfully with their commitments under the Paris climate deal, it's easy to forget that two major industrial sectors were excluded from the deal - aviation and shipping.
In April, negotiators will come to London from around the world to decide on climate targets for the shipping industry. While Pacific islands and some European nations are pushing for high ambition, other proposals on the table have no meaningful emissions cuts. These talks usually go under the radar and have been described as 'captured by corporations' but we can't afford for that to happen this time. 
Meanwhile, the aviation industry does have an international agreement to cut emissions - but it has holes so big you could fly a jumbo jet through it. And the UK government is determined to push through a third runway at Heathrow despite the Committee on Climate Change repeatedly pointing out that this would presumably make us miss our climate targets. With MPs voting on the third runway this summer, Cait Hewitt of the Aviation Environment Federation will help unravel the misinformation and spin to understand what's at stake.
Monday, February 26, 2018 - 19:00 to 20:45

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