Monday 19 February 2018

Croydon Assembly: ‘Save Our Schools – Stop Funding Cuts’

Croydon Assembly:
‘Save Our Schools – Stop Funding Cuts’
Saturday 24 February, registration 11.30am
Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Road, CR0 1BD

Dear Friend

I hope you will join teachers, parents and students at the Croydon Assembly this Saturday, February 24 to plan a fight back against drastic education cuts that have hit the borough.

New research from the Schools Cuts Coalition shows that the ratio of pupils to each classroom teacher has gone up in 58% of Croydon’s secondary schools since 2014/15, 

Cuts in spending have seen secondary school staff numbers in England fall by 15,000 between 2014/15 and 2016/17 despite them having 4,500 more pupils to teach.

Joseph Flynn, Croydon NUT secretary says: “Government cuts to education are really hurting Croydon’s schools. Fewer teachers per student will inevitably have a damaging effect on pupil’s education.”

The Assembly is being sponsored by the National Education Union and Croydon TUC.

As well as planning action to stop the education cuts, we are also having a film launch of our People’s Manifesto for the council elections.

The manifesto spells out alternative policies and calls on councils to abandon being “managers of austerity” an instead mobilise the community to demand a stop to the destruction of its local services. 

The manifesto calls for the end of the cabinet system and the restoration of the committees system to give all councillors and Croydon residents a louder voice in council decisions, and demands “mandatory and binding ballots” on all developments affecting local communities.

It takes particular aim at the council’s Brick by Brick company, which it accuses of “acting like the developers in imposing new schemes on estates while ignoring residents’ views”.

If you haven’t yet registered, please follow this link to book your place.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Ted Knight, chair Croydon Assembly

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