Tuesday 6 February 2018

Kilburn Unemployed Workers' Group strike again

Today (6/2/2018) we headed down to DWP HQ to welcome that Electric Lady Esther Mcvey. Mira and I (Pam) arrived shortly before Paul K, then CJ, Pete Murry (Green Party) and Gerry Downing. As we laid out our placards and banners our old mates the security guards made it clear that were very happy to see us (true!) one shouted to his colleagues "They're back! They're out here! They're here!" I read out the leaflet as an intro, then we started the serenade to Esther.

 Familiar with kuwg's routine our chummy security mates asked us what songs we were going to sing, they had been excited to see the line from The Who, Won't get fooled again (meet the new boss...) on our leaflet, that excitement must have been short-lived as we started off with Mungo Jerry's Wild Love, CJ mostly carried this as we are unfamilar with the lyrics (and tune). Next up was Jeff Beck's Hi ho silver lining which we all belted out, followed by Electric Lady by Geordie, Golden Earring's Radar Love and Leo Sayer's The show must go on.

Then we began packing for the interval coffee,our security mates even promised to direct any late kuwg arrivals to the coffee shop then to MOJ! Angie joined us just then, so we were guaranteed better singing for part 2.

Coffee over, our Kuwggie charabanc moved on to MOJ. We saw outside there Austin Harney, PCS and he works at MOJ. On impulse I picked up the bullhorn and shouted "David Gauke please hurry and become Chancellor...Shadow Chancellor" then again read our leaflet. I noticed a very classy looking lady (in furs and posh boots) laughing at the words and then reaching out to take a leaflet. Imagine our leaflet in her house, just the coat or shoe rack would be good!

 I think probably the shouting via bullhorn (CJ and myself) drew the MOJ's best buffoon outside. He appeared in his ill-fitting suit and began asking us not to shout into the building. He used a reasonable tone unfortunately coupled with an 'I am a big cheese' facial expression. CJ told him to 'Get lost! Now feeling a bit stupid, Big Cheese responded with "Is that how you wanna go?" to which CJ said "What???" Cheese looked really out of place and kept feebly repeating "That's how you wanna go?" Angie attempted to reason with him and then...Mira approached him! Luckily for Cheesy, CJ called Ange and Mira to start our singing, so if he thought our talking was intolerable! 

We started with the piece de resistance the Alvin Stardust pop classic My Coo Ca Choo! So much fun! Cheesy had vanished, possessing not an ounce of good taste, his suit being proof. I hope Gauke loved it as much as we did, especially CJ shouting We love you Gauke! Please come back! We miss you! We carried on with Suzy Quatro's 48 Crash, Amoureuse by Kiki Dee (all pining vocals from us), Scullery by Clifford T Ward...
...and then came the Kuwg version of Alice Cooper's Schools Out amended to Gauke's Out! I expect Gauke was thrilled to hear us, that song is perfectly suited to Kuwg's vocal range, and I am sure he was grateful that we  didn't sing the line, 'Gauke's been blown to pieces', but instead used the orginal lyric 'School's been blown...'  

It brings a new meaning to the phrase 'on the rock n roll'. I think we had made 40 leaflets, these were very well received. None left. I saw one worker pausing in the MOJ doorway, coffee in hand, gazing back at us, feeling his pain, Angie beckoned and called to him "Come and join us!" he smiled wistfully and said "I would love to but I'd get the sack" in he walked as Angie said "There are plenty of other jobs!"

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