Wednesday 31 January 2018

SERTUC Campaign Update - January 2018

Here is a quick notice of campaigns and events in the next few weeks and months to help you put dates in your diaries and include elements in your mailings, work programmes etc. If we have not included something, it does not mean we do not support it.

3 February       ‘NHS in Crisis. Fix it Now’ national demonstration, London

5 February       SERTUC ACAS East of England Conference, Cambridge

10 February     SERTUC LGBTIQ History Month Event

10 February     Stand Up to Racism Annual Conference

4 March          March4Women

8 March          International Women’s Day

7-9 March       TUC Women’s Conference

17 March         Stand Up to Racism national march/UN Anti-Racism Day

20-22 April      TUC Black Workers Conference

28 April          SERTUC AGM

28 April           International Workers’ Memorial Day

1 May              May Day March and Rally in London. Other May Day events are organised in London, the South East and the East of England, but not all will be on 1 May. Please check details locally.

3 May              Local elections

12 May           TUC National Demonstration in London, ‘A New Deal for Working People’

18-19 May      Levellers Day, Burford, Oxfordshire

9-10 June       TUC Trades Councils Conference, Manchester

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