Saturday 27 January 2018

Daily Mirror & Sunday Mirror back the emergency NHS demonstration next week.

We're very pleased to announce that the Daily Mirror & Sunday Mirror are the latest to come on board and officially back the emergency NHS demonstration next week. 
Tens of thousands will march for our NHS next Saturday in an emergency demonstration called by The People's Assembly & Health Campaigns Together. The demonstration will demand an end the winter crisis with a cash injection to restore the NHS budget and a commitment to increased funding each year.
Emergency Demonstration - NHS in Crisis: Fix it Now
Saturday 3 February, 12pm Gower Street London, March to Downing Street
Everyday from now until the demo they'll be running stories on why the NHS demonstration is so important including interviews from the front line, details of the route and speakers, quotes from organisers, union representatives, celebs and more. 
Why are you marching?
We're asking for people to send in a short quote (under 100 words) about why they're marching and what the NHS means to them - we'll include a selection of quotes in the Mirror and use others on our website and on social media. Please also include a headshot of yourself in the email. Send these to:
How you can help:
Other exclusive stories and interviews will also be run in the Morning Star newspaper who have always backed our demonstrations, protests and been central to the anti-austerity movement. Keep an eye on their website and paper for details.
In case you missed it:

The People's Assembly Against Austerity

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