Tuesday 2 January 2018

SERTUC activities and news

From: Megan Dobney (acknowledgements to Sue Tibbles)
SERTUC activities and news

It’s good bye from me…

My last day at SERTUC is Friday 22 December – many thanks for your support for and involvement with SERTUC over the past years and I look forward to it continuing!
Our new Regional Secretary, Sam Gurney, will be on 020 7467 1291 sgurney@tuc.org.uk
My email is megan@gn.apc.org should you need it, and 07932 87 38 38 is the phone

SERTUC/ACAS Eastern annual conference

Monday 5 February Cambridge. With Sam Gurney SERTUC, David Prince ACAS Chief Conciliator, Caroline Plummer ACAS Eastern Area Director, Elizabeth Stephenson Pattinson & Brewer, Malcolm Boswell & Phil Rimmer ACAS. Book direct with ACAS – £20 covers lunch – events@acas.org.uk 0300 123 11 50

Trade Union actions

BECTU Picturehouse dispute

Strike action at Picturehouse Central, Crouch End Picturehouse, East Dulwich Picturehouse and Hackney Picturehouse from 6am on 24 December to 5am on 25 December, and again from 6am on 26 December to 5am on 27 December. Your support will be welcome of course https://www.bectu.org.uk/get-involved/campaigns/picturehouse

PCS Southbank – Pride screening

On Friday 5 January PCS at the Southbank Centre invite you to a free screening of Pride, followed by a Q&A with founding members of the group Mike Jackson and Dave Lewis. Reserve your place here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pcs-southbank-centre-present-pride-tickets-40694024924

NEU/NUT Challenging sexism in schools


Building our movement for the next 150 years

Other actions/events

IPPR on the public sector pay cap

A useful document Uncapped Potential, the fiscal and economic of lifting the public sector pay cap available here https://www.ippr.org/research/publications/uncapped-potential

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