Monday 15 January 2018

Motion in support of the Conference on Jobs and Climate

'martin empson' via Climate Trade Union

Attachments10:30 PM (9 hours ago)
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Dear all,

Attached is a model trade motion for use to raise support for the "Jobs and Climate" conference that the CCC trade union group is organising on Saturday 10 March.

More information on the conference is at



Martin Empson
Treasurer, Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union group
079 585 35231
Supporting information.

More information on the Jobs and Climate conference can be found at  Tickets for the conference cost £10 (waged) £5 (unwaged).  The event is in London on Sat 10 March and runs from 10-5pm.

For more information please contact 07958535231

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Murry <>
Date: Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 7:48 AM
Subject: model trade motion for use to raise support for the "Jobs and Climate" conference
To: gptu <>

Motion in support of the Conference on Jobs and Climate
This union branch notes:
·       2017 was a year of global extreme weather. The world saw hurricanes of unprecedented strength, major floods and forest fires, drought and famine.

·       Despite pledges by governments at recent climate conferences in Paris and Bonn, emissions of greenhouse gases continue to grow.

·       Donald Trump pulling out of the COP21 Paris agreement on climate change undermines global efforts to tackle global warming.

·       Studies have shown that it is possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the required levels, through investment in public transport, renewable energies, insulation schemes and energy efficiency measures.

·       British trade unions, including the PCS, UCU, CWU, NUT, TSSA, BFAWU and other bodies, such as the National Union of Students support the One Million Climate Jobs plan to create jobs that actively help reduce emissions.

·       On March 10 2018 there is a national trade union conference in London, organised by the Campaign Against Climate Change trade union group, to discuss “Jobs and Climate: Planning for a Future that Doesn’t Cost the Earth”. Speakers include leading trade unionists and environmental campaigners.
This union branch resolves:
·       To support the Jobs and Climate Conference.

·       To make a donation towards the costs of the conference.
·       To send a delegation from the branch to the conference.

·       To circulate information about the conference to members.

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