Bedroom tax:Wednesday (9th) there will be a vigil/demo at the Supreme Court London.
This coming Wednesday (9th) there will be a vigil/demo at the Supreme Court London. I spoke at the last vigil (back in March) on behalf of Wales Green Party but cannot make this one due to work commitments... Can any London Greens make this? The Vigil is being organised by WinVisible (Women with visible & invisible disabilities) and other campaign groups such as DPAC will be there. I am in contact with the organisers and there will be openings for speakers, they will also appreciate any support!
A friend and comrade from Pembrokeshire, Paul Rutherford is one of the people taking the Government to Supreme court, Paul's family were hit by Bedroom tax despite the fact he is disabled himself and looks after his severely disabled grandson, he has been fighting the Government for years over this and will find out which way Supreme Court have ruled on Weds! I think I have also sorted out for Mark McGowen (The Artist Taxi Driver) to interview Paul on Weds.
Wednesday 9th November 9.15 am until 10.30am vigil outside Supreme Court London for bedroom tax ruling decision.. Please try to support this if you can if only by supporting on social media.
This is the facebook event page;
Jim Scott.
Pembrokeshire Green Party - Local Party Contact.
Wales Green Party - Local Parties Development Officer.http://www.walesgreenparty.
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