Friday 3 May 2019



 No sexual harassment week: 10 - 15 June 2019
Further information on a week of focusing on challenging sexual harassment in the workplace, which will take place from 10 to 15 June.
UCU956.html | UCU956.rtf [97kb]

FE fights back: latest wave of action
Further education (FE) members in London took strike action at Lambeth College, New City College, Poplar & Arbour Square this week, and industrial action ballots opened at New City College, Hackney and Croydon College as part of our fight for fair pay. Photos and messages in solidarity with striking members can be viewed at our online wall of support here. Branches and activists are asked to keep tagging their Facebook and Twitter posts with the hashtags #FEFightsBack and #FEpay.

Third report from new JNCHES: 30 April 2019
·  The third and final new joint negotiating committee for higher education staff (JNCHES) meeting took place on Tuesday 30 April. Full details will be circulated to branches once received from Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) with the national negotiators report to higher education (HE) sector conference.
·  UCEA offered a slightly improved headline pay offer which means which means 1.8 % for UCU members. The offer also means and higher tapering to bottom of spine from point 15 downwards and spine point 2 is removed.
·  1.8% meets the current consumer price index including housing (CPIH) measure of inflation but not retail price index (RPI).
·  UCEA also made a limited improved offer of joint work on gender pay and intersectional issues in the form of reviewing existing data and looking a new data however this falls short of action plans and JNCHES reviews as set out in the claim.
·  On precarious contracts the offer is for limited work on data and zero hours guidance but again no action orientation and role for JNCHES on reviewing local agreements.
·  UCEA made no meaningful offer on workload.
·  The UCU negotiators expressed their disappointment with the offer and confirmed it will be considered by HE sector conference at the end of the month.

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