Sunday, 2 December 2018

Green Party Trade Union group recommends a vote AGAINST the Holistic Review.

Green Party Trade Union group recommends a vote AGAINST the Holistic Review.

GPTU voted at its meeting on 27/11/2018 to ask Green Party members to vote against the Holistic Review proposals for reform of the Party. Our main reason for this is that these proposals would remove the post of Trade Union Liaison Officer which is currently part of the Party executive (GPEX) and do not provide any alternative permanent link to Trade Unions involved in the governance of the Party.
The Holistic Review does recognise the importance of some representation for other groups, such as Seniors and Young Greens, but by not making provision for a Trade Union link the Party could end up effectively sending the message that it is not concerned about workers. The party is starting to take a lead on insecure working practices, housing, benefits, education and health and social care. All these issues affect working class people, the exact same people that are represented by the trade union movement.
Green Party policy already supports people's rights to organise themselves in order to secure better working and living conditions, but if Trade Union representation is reduced what will this really mean?
Trade Unions cannot just be dealt on the basis of temporary ‘task and finish’ groups. By working consistently with such groups as ‘The Campaign against Climate Change’, ‘The Greener Jobs Alliance’ and the ‘Lucas Plan’ the Green Party has increased its credibility within the Trade Union movement and played a part in getting Unions to acknowledge the vital importance for everyone ofcombating climate change.

We believe that if the Holistic Review were to pass, there will be a democratic deficit in the party, and cause splits amongst the hard working members. Change is important in our party, but this is not the way.
If the Green Party sends a signal that it is not really interested in building and sustaining a relationship with the Trade Union movement and all the millions of people it actually and potentially represents it is effectively presenting itself as a ‘middle class’ movement without anything to offer to or concern the majority of people.  Let’s present ourselves as the movement for change and equality that we all want to see.  

Vote No to the Holistic Review.  

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