Sunday 10 July 2016

protest rally outside London Met on Holloway Road this coming Wednesday 13th July at 1pm.

London Met Update and meeting point for 16th July
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The UCU London Retired members banner will be at the protest rally outside London Met on Holloway Road this coming Wednesday 13th July at 1pm.

I also neglected to put the text of the Open Letter to the Times Higher Education in the last email. I enclose it below.
Please contact London Met UCU at asap with your name, institution & position, and email address if you would be willing to be included as a signatory.

Saturday 16 July 2016 demonstration No More Austerity - No To Racism

If you wish to march with the branch banner, meet at 12:20 outside Oxford Circus Station - junction of Argyll Street and Oxford Street
Contact phone on the day - 07875791513

Open Letter to The Times Higher Education
The compulsory redundancies of two leading UCU representatives at London Metropolitan University, David Hardman and Mark Campbell, is a travesty of justice. Their appeals were declined this week. The very least that one might expect of an appeal hearing is that there is an audit trail of the decision making involved, especially at an institution whose strategic plan claims to value ‘openness’. No audit trail of the decisions involved was presented at their appeal hearing; in fact, the Dean of their faculty - Prof. Dominic Palmer-Brown - did not submit any documentation at all.

Mark and David are the only compulsory redundancies arising out of the cuts announced by London Met last autumn. We believe that they have been singled out because of their effective work as UCU representatives. With another 395 job losses now in the pipeline, as well as potential privatisation (the new Chair of Governors is a former executive at Pearsons), the management are conveniently removing the two leading reps and sending a clear message to other staff not to put their heads above the parapet.

Does a university with a background as a champion of social justice really wish to stake a claim as one of the most anti-union employers in the sector? The Deputy Vice-Chancellor who chaired the appeal panels left for his summer holiday immediately after notifying David and Mark of the outcome. By contrast, David and Mark will be working until their final day of employment in order to continue their work as lecturers and to represent colleagues during the latest onslaught against jobs.

We call upon the management and Governors of London Met to recognise the injustice that is being perpetrated and to reinstate Mark Campbell and David Hardman.

Copyright © 2016 UCU London Retired Members Branch, All rights reserved.
UCU London Retired Members Branch - members and supporters 

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