Green Party Trade Union Group sends support to the workers of the BMW oxford car plant
The Green Party Trade Union Group sends solidarity to the workers of the BMW Oxford car plant who are now threatened with redundancy. ( We support the efforts of Unite to minimise the impact of these cuts. It is the duty of unions, especially in the current hostile economic circumstances, to defend their members’ pay and conditions including the terms under which they may end their employment.
As Green Party members, we advocate the creation of a low carbon economy in order to stop our worsening climate crisis. This would involve the phasing out of some types of industry. Motor vehicle production, especially of vehicles that cause carbon emissions, contribute to climate change and air pollution, is one of those industries. However, we favour a process of just transition, so that workers can maintain their standard of living whilst developing their skills to contribute to a new type of economy. The example of the Lucas plan where Lucas Aerospace workers showed how socially useful production could be developed, shows that this can be achieved.
Instead of making redundancies to bolster its flagging profitability, BMW should be considering retraining workers and redesigning its production to meet the future needs of a planet friendly economy. In the event that BMW does not follow this sensible course, the Green Party Trade Union Group agrees that Unite must do whatever it needs to defend the Oxford workers.