5/10/2019 at Green Party Conference, Newport
1) Introduction to GPTU by P.Murry, (summarised in London
Trade Union Liaison Officer report below).
2) Election of Committee 2019/20
Co-chairs: Noel Lynch and Adam Clarke
Treasurer: Sue Tibbles
Membership Secretary: Noel Lynch
Media Officer: Martin Francis
Committee Member: Paul Valentine
3) Tolpuddle: PM reported that Derek Hardman had successfully campaigned
to get the Green Party to finance its stall at the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ festival,
rely on an individual member to do so. Thanks also to the work of Paul
Valentine who worked for this in his role as Trade Union Liaison Officer on
the Green Party Executive.
4) BEIS strike: This was a strike of cleaners and catering staff
at BEIS supported by PCS, who have been on indefinite strike action
since the 15 July. “We have also called out receptionists, porters, post room
and security workers and from w/c 30 September they will be on rolling one week
on strike one week off. They are fighting for a Living Wage and proper terms
and conditions.
Sue Tibbles to write to Unison and Oxford TUC.
6) 20.9.19 Global Climate Strike: Over 7 m worldwide reported to have
participated. In UK, the TUC passed
a motion call for solidarity but stopped short of calling for strikes or even
stoppages. Several Union branches were able to take solidarity actions usually
with the agreement of employers. Caroline Lucas, & Jeremy Corbyn (among
others) spoke at the London demo. It was felt that Caroline could have voiced
criticism of the Anti-Union laws which prevent TU’s from legally taking
solidarity actions. Peter Murry to write to Caroline Lucas.
7) NEU H&S reps
8) Two Green Party councillors had recently been elected in
Ashford. It was noted that advice for Green Party councillors on liaison with
their local TUCs was needed.
9) Date of next meeting: PM to circulate a doodle poll for an early
December date, Zoom or Skype to be used to increase participation.
Trade union liaison officer (Pete Murry)
have been building links with the trade union movement and have worked with the
Green Party Trade Union Group (GPTU). I am Co-Secretary of GPTU and
have attended its meetings. I have regularly attended London Green Party
meetings and submitted written reports on trade union matters I have
supplemented these with verbal contributions when appropriate.
blog at http://greentulondon.blogspot.co.uk/ carrying
reports of disputes, trade union news, solidarity actions and demos etc, I attend
meetings of the Campaign Against Climate Change TU group, the Greener Jobs
Alliance, the Lucas Plan Just Transition working group. I have recently become
a member of the newly established TUC, (Trade Union
Congress), London, East and South East Region Environmental Sustainability
and Just Transition Network.
I am
an active member of the University and College Union (UCU) London Retired
Members’ Branch. I have drafted motions on climate change for the UCU
annual conference, most recently attempting to challenge the attempt by some
unions to restrict union discussion of Just Transition only to their
have also been active in encouraging TU support for the recent school/students’
strikes to call for effective action on climate change.
Update 07/09/2019
It seems unlikely to
be able organise a GPTU meeting before Conference (Autumn Conference 2019 - 4-6
October, in Newport at
International Convention Centre, Wales ).
A GPTU Conference
meeting is booked for 13.30-14.45 on Saturday 5 October, this will be the AGM.
Nominations/expressions of interest are invited for the following committee
Membership Secretary
Media Officer
Equalities Officer
Nominees must be members of the Green Party of England and
Wales. All posts may be job shares. It is not necessary to attend the AGM to
put forward a nomination which should be sent to Peter Murry (GPTU Secretary)
at yrrumuk@googlemail.com.
We hope there will be time to discuss the future of GPTU at
the AGM.
TUC congress
will be several fringe meetings on Climate Change at the TUC congress at The Brighton Centre, 8 - 11 September. The Campaign
against Climate Change Trade Union Group fringe will concentrate on building
support for the Climate strike 20 September (details at https://www.cacctu.org.uk/climate_strike_20_september), this is also the focus of a UCU (University and College Union) motion to congress. The Greener Jobs
Alliance which has just produced an excellent “Trade Union Guide to Just Transition” available
FREE at http://www.greenerjobsalliance.co.uk/courses/
Disputes etc
Minutes of 16th May 2019 Zoom meeting
1. Apologies: , Paul Valentine, Beccy Sawbridge, Martin Childs, Noel
Present: Sue Tibbles Martin Francis,
Peter Murry
2. Minutes of
Previous Meeting 21 st February 2019
Matters Arising
a) Martin Francis
to investigate GPTU mission statement for social media sites. (Martin thought current statement on GPTU
webpage ok)
Martin Francis to contact Conferences Committee re adequate space for stalls at
conference and encouraging more TU stalls. (Contacted
Louisa Greenbaum but no response)
4. a)
· around
200 members. Any members wishing to join GPTU email list, contact Noel Lynch as
Paul Valentine currently on tour so might not have time to do this. Noel
Lynch to update on numbers.
· There are still two membership lists
Finances: £1358.04 less a further £25 to
Beccy Sawbridge for travelling, paid by Peter Murry. £ 17.04 mistakenly paid
from the account should be repaid. (Sue
has repaid Pete. Previous error paid back-(refreshments for Trades Council
event )no change
6) Regional Organising:
· Beccy Sawbridge contacted Roy Sandison to ascertain where there
were TULO’s and to increase them if possible….. No reply
· Beccy Sawbridge to contact GPHQ to get list of party contacts.
May be able to start with Kent and London (
congratulated on her election to Dover Town council and Dave Plummer on
election to Waltham Forest Council )
7) General
Updates, Solidarity and Outreach Work
a) Oxford City Council Climate Emergency passed
after Labour watering down amendment. Council considering setting up citizens’
No sexual harassment week: 10 - 15 June 2019
Further information on a week of focusing on challenging
sexual harassment in the workplace, which will take place from 10 to 15 June.
UCU956.html | UCU956.rtf [97kb]
FE fights back: latest wave of action
Further education (FE) members in London took
strike action at Lambeth College, New City College, Poplar & Arbour Square
this week, and industrial action ballots opened at New City College, Hackney
and Croydon College as part of our fight for fair pay. Photos and messages in
solidarity with striking members can be viewed at our online wall of
support here. Branches and
activists are asked to keep tagging their Facebook and Twitter posts with the
hashtags #FEFightsBack and #FEpay.
Trade Union solidarity day with Student Climate Strikes, Friday 24 May, 11 am,
Parliament Square.
8. Trade Union And Workers’ Rights Committee (update
on where the Transition Team are up to and a report on the current thinking of
Green Left.):
Murry proposing an amendment on this. Members advised to email SOC to support
PM’s amendment before 16/05/19 midnight deadline.
9. GP conference:
there is a clash with the Green New Deal Panel, look into possible change of
GPTU meeting Sunday 9.30 am to 10.30 am or use special interest group vacancy Sunday
Francis to manage text service at Conference.
8. Updates
from Officers:
a) GPEX:
PV has secured an assurance that Brian Heatley will be reimbursed for his
expenses for running the Tolpuddle Festival stall. Other helpers always
b) London
Fed: Meeting on 20 May cancelled because of doing work around European
9 AOB:
Levellers Day: Sue gave a summary of this year’s event. See
Facebook Levellers’ Day.
Oxford Levellers’ Day event,
Trade Union Clean Air Network (TUCAN) meeting 20 June UCU HQ,
Carlow Street, Camden, NW1 7LH.
PM emailed info to the lists. Anyone interested in attending to
contact UCU Secretary, Janet,
Greener Jobs Alliance (GJA) latest newsletter. PM circulated to
the list.
LESE Environmental Sustainability and Just transition Network:
Sue to
check details. Encourage GPTU members
to put names forward.
10. Date of next meeting:6th
June Zoom discussion if necessary pre Conference on last minute items.