Tulo report to London Fed march 18 2019
· School climate strike 15 march
Teachers stand with students in their call for urgent climate action Petition at https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/e/ 1FAIpQLSfrZBUh1Y9asj77aukVxLH8 FYAiKS47f6qXPkCI-5qfgLCasw/ viewform
In recent weeks many students in the UK showed their determination to demand action to tackle the climate crisis that threatens all of us and most especially the generation that are currently in school and college.
Their action has put the climate crisis at the forefront of political debate across society.
They have become part of a movement of young people across the globe who are rightly demanding that their politicians urgently take the action needed to tackle the climate crisis and that our education system reflects this priority.
As a generation without a voice in elections, but one for whom the climate crisis will impact the greatest, we commend their willingness to engage in political activity and debate to ensure their voice is heard.
We support the demands of the students and will play our part in ensuring we campaign for a curriculum that reflects this priority.
· Green Left London - For a Fighting Ecological Trade-Unionism
In general, the formation of an ecosocialist consciousness requires an approach and experiences at a broader level than the enterprise…
Written by Daniel Tanuro and first published at International Viewpoint How can we reconcile social struggle and environmental struggle?...
· A ban on zero-hours contracts - a victory for Irish unions https://www.tuc.org.uk/blogs/ ban-zero-hours-contracts- victory-irish-unions?fbclid= IwAR2of8sE6HOGBukWGSXn_ DFKdgRAtcJFNBQhqeIjljTqYKV4C28 YOWTH2ks
· 'Support staff are overworked, underpaid and undervalued'
Seven out of 10 of those surveyed by the NEU union say their workload has increased over the past year
· NOR4NOR The 2019 Rail Summit: For a People's Railway Saturday 27th April in Norwich. https://www.nor4nor.org/
· DWP call handlers’ strike supported by PCS (see https://politicsandinsights. org/2019/02/26/the-dwp-call- handlers-strike-and-the- milgram-experiment-frame/) over ““severe under investment, staff shortages and ironically, criticism from claimants on how they are treated”.
· videos of Hugo Blanco on fighting for indigenous land rights in Peru; Socialist Resistance meeting London 26/2/2019 at http://greenleftblog.blogspot. com/2019/02/hugo-blanco-on- fighting-for-indigenous.html
· Trade Union Clean Air Network Charter see: https://greentulondon. blogspot.com/2019/03/trade- union-clean-air-network- charter.html
For more information contact: gjacoms@gmail.com or janet@gmhazards.org.uk